



LTplus AI-Architecture for IntelliCAD

The ArchitektenInitiative e.V. is a real Non-Profit-Organisation. All revenues go directly into the development of the programs. The ArchitektenInitiative e.V.  is no autonomous company but the union of, in the meantime over 3000 european engineer- and architecture-offices. Professional programmers produce on basis of the colleagues request the corresponding programs. The programs need no additional registration or product-activation, and are distributed to colleagues including the lisp-sources. Since 1995 the programs are developed under the brand name LTplus.

At the moment there are more than 30.000 LTplus-Programs installed...



LTplus is the 2D/3D-Application for IntelliCAD with integrated complex constructions and presentation with the included OpenFX 3D-Modeller.

You get a program, that connects a simple way of drawing, with all advantages of an electronic system. Additionally, the program makes a 3D-Visualisation possible, so that you can checkup the model at anytime.

The favorable price results from the fact, that the ArchitektenInitiative e.V. is a real Non-Profit-Organisation of german and european engineer- and architecture-offices.

The drawings stored with LTplus then are readable also without LTplus, under every program, that can read DWG, without restrictions. You only have to pay attention to following:

  • Dimensions are always input in true size in the standard-scale 1:1 and in CENTIMETER .
  • External drawings could be scaled in meter. You should only draw on a scale of 1:1
  • In LTplus the CENTIMETER is used as primary drawing unit, so imported drawings
    must be scaled if necessary. The function 'Calibrate Drawing' supports you thereby...
  • Standard: Western-European Metrical
  • Language: English

For the LTplus AI-Architecture application an additional IntelliCAD is necessary.


 Look at the following page to find your IntelliCAD-Version: AutoCAD & IntelliCAD-Compatibility


Import Export

LTplus uses DWG / DXF as native file-format. LTplus converts, reads and writes DWG's and DXF's up to AutoCAD-Version 2020.

Other formats are supported via Import/Export or using the Windows-Clipboard are: PDF, 3DS, VRML, BMP, GIF, JPG, SLD, WMF, Blocks, Symbols, Masses (BOM), Architectural-Desktop (ADT) acis-proxies, and with the free LTplus GoogleSketchUP-PlugIN you can also import your SketchUP-Drawings and AutoCAD DWG/DXF r.2.5 - 2020


LTplus Menus

The LTplus-Menus enhance IntelliCAD with architectural functions like Walls, Openings, Stairs, Masses (BOM), ..., and a faster Layer-Management, that allows also the 3D projection of buildings.

LTplus also extends the creation, editing, import and export of 3D-Entities, e.g. by the use of the included 3D-Modeller. You can use architectural Hatches, Textstyles and the extended Dimensions.



The Online-Help gives an instruction to each menu-point. It includes also tips in a construction-specific sense, additional tips for an effective drawing-preparation and a printable Manual.

The free 24-Hour-Hotline to LTplus-Programs is offered directly from our architecture-offices (english/german).  

The examples show what you can do with your LTplus-Application...


3D Presentation

In the LTplus-3D-Menu you can find functions to manage user-coordinate-systems (UCS), for construction and presentation of three-dimensional architectural models.

Use the LTplus-Functions to create OrthoViews and 2D- and Hidden-Line-Projections. The LTplus-Function Perspective helps you in the definition of Perspectives by a check list, where you can define the camera-parameters...


3D Construction

In the 3D-Menu you can find the enhanced LTplus-Functions to create and edit 3D-Elements, like BHatch Face by Boundary, Face (e.g. Gable), Line 3D (e.g. Rail), PolyLine (e.g. Roof), 3D-Block (e.g. View), Free Solid by Points, Solid by Boundary.

Here you also can Set and Edit the Z-Values. The LTplus-Functions Turn Coordinatesystem and Reset Coordinatesystem help you defining your individual User-Coordinate-Systems.


LTplus OpenFX Modeller

LTplus AI-Architecture also includes a 3D-Freeform-Modeller.The Modeller does complex Free-Form-Modelling, Boolean Operations, Material- and Texture-Allocation, Rendering and RayTracing of 3D-Modells.

Also 2D-Elements can be processed - at the Import-Prompt you only have to include the 2D-Elements to do so.


Xrender Engine

The RenderTool explor3D is fast and simply through the mono-chrome material-texture. Using different layers and setting your computer to TrueColor are the basic requirements to show varying material-colors.

A model is generated fast over the already drawn elements. The BMP-Output can be defined for presentations.



Symbol Catalogues

LTplus comes with more than 2000 Architectural Symbols (Blocks). With "Browse" you can open the 2D and 3D architectural Blocks.

In the included 10 LTplus-Catalogues you find the mostly used architectural Standard-Symbols of : Furnishings , Plumbing, Sanitary, SitePlan, People, Views, Trees, Cars and predefined Stairs.

LTplus also includes a special Menu-Section for CREATION and EDITING of Blocks/Symbols...


LTplus Walls

LTplus enables specific architectural constructions of buildings in 3D with the Architecture-Modules. Parametrical you can draw:

  • Outer-Walls

  • Inner-Walls with connection

  • Inner-Walls without connection

  • Arced- and straight-lined Walls


LTplus Openings

Construction of parametrical doors, double-doors and windows with and without rabbet - with only 3 clicks. You can now comfortably insert three-dimensional lintels, parapets and slabs.

All openings can now be drawn freely and they are uniformly param-etrical (sill, fixed glazing, radiator-niche, rabbet). All openings can be deleted by 2 clicks.

All Functions are self-explanatory and reachable by Icons...



For the Staircases-Function is a parametric macro, you can draw arbitrary stairways (also spiral) on the basis of your stairway-plan and your stairway-division. After defining Base, Rise of staircase and the value of the Thickness of steps, you can construct the stair automatically.

You can also use our pre-defined stairs from the LTplus-Catalogue. All stair-ways can be positioned, dimensioned and edited free. The selection takes place over Iconmenus with a symbolic preview.




The function draws different parametrical 3D steel profiles.


+ H = Profileheight in cm - Input profile-height 
+ B = Profilewidth in cm  - Input profile-width 
+ T = Thickness of sheet in cm - Sheet metal-thickness

and choose the desired Profile-Type : H, I, U, L, T, and Box-Profile


Masses (BOM)

The function calculates for example area and perimeter and then inserts a tag. You can determine the needed quantities graphically and export them to your BOM-Program (Bill Of Materials) or a spreadsheet (e.g. Excel).  

Choose between Volume- and Room-Calculations. The pre-determined object-height is taken over and can also be edited. There are several TYPEs for the quantity-calculation: Piece, Rectangle, Polygon, Boundary and a special Room-Tag via Polygon enhanced for BOM.



LTplus upgrades your IntelliCAD with a Menu-Section for making and editing Architectural Dimensions. The Plotscale sets here automatically the suitable text-size in dimensions and the dimension-style.

+ Measure Distance and Angle
+ Insert Rel. Altitude Tag
+ RoomArea Calculation
+ Quick-Dimension Band
+ Angular, Linear, Base-Dimension, ...


Architectural Hatches

LTplus includes the most important architectural hatches. Beside the pre-defined patterns you can use the standard-patterns or even defined. There are special hatches defined by complex parametrical linetypes, like: Insulation, Insulation (soft), Insulation (hard) and Sealing.

The Plotscale sets automatically the suitable hatch-scaling and linetype-scaling referring to it. Most hatches you can also reach directly over their Icons...



Layer Management

The LTplus-Layer-Menu and its Toolbar allow the automatic setting and activating of construction-typical Layerstructures. Whole Layer-Groups can be set (e.g. the group "E1") in one step. LTplus enables by this flexible Layermanagement also the 3D projection of your buildings.  Also included are:

the administration of Layer-Configurations (Status)
+ the Layer-Project-Window which can be saved and/or printed





Architectural Elements

LTplus enhances IntelliCAD with many Architectural Specific Commands, like:

+ Parametrical Elements : Lines, Compl.Text-Line, Rectangle and Rectangle rotated

+ Auxiliary Elements : Auxiliary-Line, -Point with reference, -Polyline (parametrical)

+ Special Elements : PolyLines incl. Editing, Rectangle and Rectangle rotated, Circle

+ Fast Change/Editing of Color, Linetype, Cursor-Angle, Z-Values 3D and Calculator

+ Architectural Modules : Walls, Openings, Stairways, Steel-Profiles, Masses (BOM)



All IntelliCAD-Parameters can be set centrally in one menu. In the prevailling LTplusAI Preferences all program parameters of LTplus are summarized.

+ Input of values in LTplus is done metrical in CENTIMETER.
+ The numeric comma is the Decimal-POINT.

The Plotscale sets automatically hatchscaling, text-size (also in dimensions) and the Linetype-Scaling.


Change and Edit Elements

The drawings stored with LTplus are readable also without LTplus, under every program, that can read DWG / DXF. So all elements can be changed and edited by Standard-Functions without restrictions. Special-Functions to enhance the editing of architectural and standard elements:

Crossing, AI-Stretching, 1 Point Break, AI-Break, SketchIT, AI-Mirror, Bisect, AI-Scale, Text2Mtext, Mtext2Text, AI-Move, Move to Layer, AI-Copy, Copy to Layer, Get Properties, Change Properties, DrawOrder, Turn/Reset Coordinatesystem, Turn Cursor, ...







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Copyright's © - AutoCAD®, AutoCAD LT®, Architectural Desktop® are registered Trademarks of Autodesk Inc., IntelliCAD® is registered Trademark of the IntelliCAD® Technology Consortium, Windows® Microsoft® MS-Visio® MS-Vista® are registered Trademarks of the Microsoft Corp. Google® & Google SketchUP® are registered Trademarks of the Google Inc. ProgeCAD® and ProgeSMART® is registered Trademark of ProgeSoft Inc. All other trademarks, trade names or company names (like Eleco®, Arcon®, TechnoCAD®, AllPlan®, ArchiCAD®, Vectorworks®, BricsCAD®, ZWCAD®, AcceliCAD®, 4M® IntelliCAD, CMS® IntelliCAD, Cadopia®, YellowCAD®, ...) referenced herein are used for identification only and are the property of their respective owners. All Rights reserved.

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