
LTplus AI-Architecture for IntelliCAD since 2008


ProgeSMART!® 2009   it's free
for home, private and non-commercial usage

V. : Install and use it in Windows-Compatibility-Mode for XP SP.3  !

Last tested in 05-2015        Compatibility was 100%

LTplus enhances with this English Version ProgeSMART!® for the use in architecture. To use the LTplus AI-Architecture Application an additional IntelliCAD-Version always is needed. We recommend ProgeSMART!® because it's still free for home, private and non-commercial usage...





You have to install LTplus AI-Architecture into the Main-Directory of your existing IntelliCAD.

Since 2008 LTplus enhances with this English Version many different IntelliCADs for the use in architecture. All IntelliCAD-Versions have their little quirks. All IntelliCADs should NOT be installed in the Windows-Subdirectory ..\Program Files. This directory is set to read-only by Vista Win7/8. Because of this Vista-Win7/8-Bug all program enhancements and applications will not properly work.

After 2008 LTplus AI-Architecture was again tested with english and non-english IntelliCAD-Versions (ReleaseDate 2010/11/12). In fact the actual IntelliCADs become more and more different. So, you have to find out, if your IntelliCAD-Version is still AutoCAD-compatible enough to use it with LTplus AI-Architecture. With our free Test-/TrialVersion you should first check the AutoCAD-Compatibility of your IntelliCAD and test the LTplus-Functions with your IntelliCAD-Version before you buy it...



for commercial usage try progeCAD proTrial


4M IntelliCAD®




CMS IntelliCAD®



axCAD Xsoft®

XCAD® by iComS

VHCAD® by VHSoft

BitCAD® BricsNET S.A.


All IntelliCAD-Versions above have their little quirks. Some of
them are not 100% autocad-compatible in their commands. For
example, if the AutoCAD-Command DVIEW is missing or has a
bug, an extended LTplus-Object (like FreeSolid) can only be
drawn in WCS and not in Perspectives. But it can still be drawn
and rotated into an UCS - so it works...

On the other hand, if we have found too many missing or faulty
AutoCAD-Commands in an IntelliCAD-Version, we have tested
but not released it, because we don't want to lose too much

LTplus AI-Architecture is actually tested and NOT released
for the following **proprietary IntelliCAD-Versions :


ZWCad® ZWsoft Ltd. China

  • Standard AutoCAD- or IntelliCAD-Dialogues, or Commands are missing

  • Toolbars and/or Menus are destroyed, because the IntelliCAD-Version is not
    AutoCAD-MNU/DCL-Compatible, uses absolute paths, or can't scale icons

  • ...

BricsCAD® BricSYS N.V.

  • Standard AutoCAD- or IntelliCAD-Dialogues, or Commands are missing

  • Toolbars and/or Menus are destroyed, because the IntelliCAD-Version is not
    AutoCAD-MNU/DCL-Compatible, uses absolute paths, or can't scale icons

  • Complex Lisp-Routines don't work, because the IntelliCAD-Version uses an
    encrypting Lisp-Interpreter, where Standard-Lisp-Functions are missing

  • ...

**proprietary IntelliCAD-Versions, deviate strongly from the ITC-SourceCode and are no more common
AutoCAD-Lisp-Compatible. So these proprietary IntelliCADs may have the following massive restrictions :

  • Based on marketing-considerations they get "new features", which are not common-lisp-compatible.
    Therefore they are no more flexible and professionally programmable using standard-commands.
  • Lisp is now encoded, this makes it dependent on the respective compiler-version, and through this it
    is restricted in its functions massively. Freely available programs from the internet are no more running.
  • Menu-Files (MNU) and User-Icons no more can be changed or embedded automatically, because in
    their MNUs the line-wrap (+) for more complex macros is no more allowed and the paths to the Icons
    must be declared individual, manual, and always absolutely by the user himself.

On the base of these new marketing-features Bricsys NV itself, for example cannot run its architec-
ture-application BricsCAD-Architecturals on the newer BricsCAD-Versions since 2007...






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Copyright's © - AutoCAD®, AutoCAD LT®, Architectural Desktop® are registered Trademarks of Autodesk Inc., IntelliCAD® is registered Trademark of the IntelliCAD® Technology Consortium, Windows® Microsoft® MS-Visio® MS-Vista® are registered Trademarks of the Microsoft Corp. Google® & Google SketchUP® are registered Trademarks of the Google Inc. ProgeCAD® and ProgeSMART® is registered Trademark of ProgeSoft Inc. All other trademarks, trade names or company names (like Eleco®, Arcon®, TechnoCAD®, AllPlan®, ArchiCAD®, Vectorworks®, BricsCAD®, ZWCAD®, AcceliCAD®, 4M® IntelliCAD, CMS® IntelliCAD, Cadopia®, YellowCAD®, ...) referenced herein are used for identification only and are the property of their respective owners. All Rights reserved.

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