CONCEPT of the LTplus - ArchitektenInitiative e.V. |
... ArchitektenInitiative e.V.
The ArchitektenInitiative e.V. is a real Non-Profit-Organisation. All revenues go directly into the development of the programs. The ArchitektenInitiative e.V. is no autonomous company but the union of, in the meantime over 3000 european engineer- and architecture-offices.
A Non-Profit-Organisation like the ArchitektenInitiative e.V. needs in the contact with the colleagues no TERMS & CONDITIONS ("Conditions" - "AGB"). There is alternatively the architect-initiative statute and this concept, with the target, to make up-to-date and affordable software available for the colleagues.
The programs of the ArchitektenInitiative e.V. need no additional registration or product-activation, and are distributed to colleagues including the lisp-sources.
Professional programmers produce on basis of the colleagues request the corresponding programs. Since 1995, the ArchitektenInitiative e.V. develops the programs under the brand name LTplus.
At the moment there are more than 30.000 LTplus-Programs installed...
... Updates, Presentations
Our programs are given away including the source code and without copy protection or hardware-dongles.
There are updates normally every two years. Between this, Service-Releases are produced and given to our customers/colleagues for free.
The architect-initiative favors a free LiveDemo, that shows the programs 1:1 at the professional work. This saves the time of the training in IntelliCAD, and explains professionally how to work with the system. The videos show everything - not more and not less...
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