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ArchitektenInitiative e.V. Copyright © LTplus





LTplus AI-Architecture for IntelliCAD


The ArchitektenInitiative e.V. is a real Non-Profit-Organisation. All revenues go directly into the development of the programs. The ArchitektenInitiative e.V.  is no autonomous company but the union of, in the meantime over 3000, engineer- and architecture-offices.

A Non-Profit-Organisation like the ArchitektenInitiative e.V. needs in the contact with the colleagues no TERMS & CONDITIONS ("Conditions" - "AGB"). There is alternatively the architect-initiative statute and this concept, with the target, to make up-to-date and affordable software available for the colleagues. The programs of the architect-initiative need no additional registration or product-activation, and are distributed to colleagues including the lisp-sources.

Professional programmers produce on basis of the colleagues request the corresponding programs. Since 1995, the ArchitektenInitiative e.V. develops the programs under the brand name LTplus. At the moment there are more than 30.000 LTplus-Programs installed. Since 2015, the LTplus ArchitektenInitiative e.V. is also developing LeanTechnologies in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (e.g. EcoMagHSM).

Our programs are exclusively intended for use in professional, commercial or self-employed activities of building professionals such as Architects, civil engineers, drafters, designers . We therefore only supply companies in industry, commerce, trade and industry, public authorities, public institutions, as well as professionals and not consumers pursuant to § 13 BGB. By placing an order, the buyer expressly declares that he is acting in the exercise of its commercial or self-employed professional activity (§ 14 BGB).



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Copyright's © - AutoCAD®, AutoCAD LT®, Architectural Desktop® are registered Trademarks of Autodesk Inc., IntelliCAD® is registered Trademark of the IntelliCAD® Technology Consortium, Windows® Microsoft® MS-Visio® MS-Vista® Windows® 7 are registered Trademarks of the Microsoft Corp. Google® & Google SketchUP® are registered Trademarks of the Google Inc. ProgeCAD® and ProgeSMART® is registered Trademark of ProgeSoft Inc. All other trademarks, trade names or company names (like Eleco®, Arcon®, TechnoCAD®, AllPlan®, ArchiCAD®, Vectorworks®, BricsCAD®, ZWCAD®, AcceliCAD®, 4M® IntelliCAD, CMS® IntelliCAD, Cadopia®, Apple® MacOS® X,...) referenced herein are used for identification only and are the property of their respective owners. All Rights reserved. DWG is the native file format for Autodesk's AutoCAD® software and is a trademark of Autodesk, Inc. IntelliCAD Technology Consortium and LTplus are not affiliated with Autodesk, Inc.

EcoMag® is registered trademark and working-title for our new MagnesiaHSM research and development project since 2015. All other trademarks, trade names or company names referenced herein are used for identification only and are the property of their respective owners. All Rights reserved.

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